Why is the CAA wrong?
No matter which way you look at it, the CAA is a manifestly perverse piece of legislation. It creates an arbitrary distinction between illegal immigrants on the basis of their religion – by granting benefits to some communities while entirely excluding Muslims.
What is NRC problem?
The Illegal Migrants (Determination by Tribunal) Act, 1983 was then passed by the Parliament, creating a separate tribunal process for identifying illegal migrants in Assam. The Supreme Court of India struck it down as unconstitutional in 2005, after which the Government of India agreed to update the Assam NRC.
Should we lose the same to CAA as NRC?
We should not lose the same to CAA, NRC or any such policy.” Unlike the rest of the country, CAA protests in Assam have a relatively longer history. Even before it was tabled in Parliament, CAB — as it was known before it became an Act — saw widespread protests in the state, starting May 2018.
What is driving the protests against the CAA and NRC?
Protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and the National Register of Citizens ( NRC) are refusing to die down across the country, with rallies and protests reported in several cities every day. While some rallies have seen political leaders make an appearance, the events have largely been driven by the aam aadmi.
What is CAA protest or cab protest?
The Citizenship Amendment Act (Bill) protests, also known as CAA Protest or CAB Protest, occurred after the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) was enacted by the Government of India on 12 December 2019.
How to recruit powerful groups to support the CAA-NRC?
Around the core issue of the CAA-NRC, other material issues should be attached to recruit powerful groups such as farmers and workers in the movement. Political scientist Alfred Evans studied civil society protests in Russia under Vladimir Putin to determine what kind of protests were most successful in gaining support.