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Why was the pronunciation of Uranus changed?
“Uranus was changed to ‘URINE-us’ in 1986 (? — maybe ’85) when one of the space probes was preparing to do its fly-by. Newscasters around the country realized that three weeks of ‘your-anus’ would never work, especially when also tossing in the reference to a ‘deep space probe. ‘”
Is it your anus or Uranus?
The standard way to pronounce Uranus among astronomers is to put the emphasis on the first syllable “ur” and then say the second part “unus”. This is the standard literary pronunciation. The more common way people have pronounced it is u-ra-nus, with the “ra” sounded like “ray”.
Is it pronounced your anus?
Many scientists go with ‘U-rah-nus’ rather than ‘your anus’ – ie with an ‘ah’ sound in the middle. YouTube science channel CGP Grey says, ‘There is a solution to the ‘your anus’ problem – use the alternate pronunciation, ‘Ur-ah-nus’. Most scientists in public roles use this pronunciation. ‘
How do astronomers pronounce Uranus?
According to NASA, most scientists say YOOR-un-us.
How do you say Uranus in Australia?
But the ABC’s guidelines say the standard Australian pronunciation is ‘yooh-RAY-nuhs’. The ABC then says, “When using reports and material from abroad (where it is sometimes pronounced YOOH-ruh-nuhs), match pronunciation with that used in the report”.
How do you pronounce Uranus Wikihow?
If you don’t want people to laugh, pronounce the name the way that astronomers and physicists pronounce it: “Yurr-en-us”. If you want to generate a few snickers from your audience, feel free to use the more vulgar pronunciation: “Yurr-ay-nus”, which sounds like “Your anus”.
How do you say Uranus without laughing?
Who named Uranus?
Johann Bode
It was German astronomer Johann Bode who recommended the name Uranus, a Latinized version of the Greek god of the sky, Ouranos; however, the name Uranus didn’t gain full acceptance until the mid-1800s.
Is Uranus full of diamonds?
High pressure experiments suggest large amounts of diamonds are formed from methane on the ice giant planets Uranus and Neptune, while some planets in other planetary systems may be almost pure diamond. Diamonds are also found in stars and may have been the first mineral ever to have formed.
What is the correct way to pronounce Uranus?
You could even get away with trying a more traditional Greek pronunciation (despite most of the planets taking their names from figures in Roman mythology, Uranus was the Greek god personification of the sky) and call it something like “OOH-ran-ohs” or even “er-AH-nuss.”
Does Uranus have a problem with its name?
However, Uranus has a problem. Or, rather, humans have a problem with its name. It has long been the butt of jokes ranging from classroom giggles to much more explicit commentary on the late-night talk shows. Why? Because it has a name that, if people say it wrong, it sounds really, really naughty.
Why did they change Uranus to urine US?
“Uranus was changed to ‘URINE-us’ in 1986 (? — maybe ’85) when one of the space probes was preparing to do its fly-by. Newscasters around the country realized that three weeks of ‘your-anus’ would never work, especially when also tossing in the reference to a ‘deep space probe.’”
Is it pronounced ū·rā′·nəs or you-Ray-Nuss?
It turns out that both pronunciations that people use are correct. The classic, potty-mouth version (specifically ū·rā′·nəs, or you-RAY-nuss) places the emphasis on the long “A” sound. That’s the one that leads to raised eyebrows, giggling and outright laughter.