Should I take multivariable calculus or linear algebra first? You may take these course concurrently. They do not share any course material at all. We recommend to students that they consider completing Multivariable Calculus first, then engaging Linear Algebra, but it is not at all necessary to complete these courses in that order. Is linear…
Category: FAQ
Are void pointers bad practice?
Are void pointers bad practice? There are no efficiency issues with void pointers. The only limitations with void pointers are: you cannot dereference void pointer for obvious reasons. sizeof(void) is illegal. Which is the limitation of void pointer? 1) Pointer arithmetic is not possible with void pointer due to its concrete size. 2) It can’t…
How do I calculate how much water is in my boiler?
How do I calculate how much water is in my boiler? Boiler water consumption The water consumption consists on the control of the make-up water, the blowdown water and the condensed water quantities. This equation doesn’t take account of the process leaks, the windage and drift which are just forms of uncontrolled blowdown. B=S x…
Can you get in trouble for getting married in the military?
Can you get in trouble for getting married in the military? There are no laws governing military marriage. Military members can marry whomever they want, including same-sex partners. How can I get married without my parents knowing? If you and the girl you want to marry have attained the age of Majority, i.e, 18 years…
Should I uninstall AMD drivers before installing new AMD GPU?
Should I uninstall AMD drivers before installing new AMD GPU? Put simply, if the GPUs you will be swapping are AMD to AMD or Nvidia to Nvidia, you will not need to uninstall the previous drivers prior to plugging in the new graphics card. Can you use 2 different AMD GPUs? Yes, this can technically…
Can I use 16 gauge wire for 6 ohm speakers?
Can I use 16 gauge wire for 6 ohm speakers? For higher power systems or longer lengths, 16 gauge is a great choice. A higher speaker impedance value (ex.: 6 or 8 ohm speakers) draws less current (lower amps) than lower impedance speakers. Therefore you often can use a thinner wire for them as you’ll…
What are long term effects of a child growing up with one parent?
What are long term effects of a child growing up with one parent? Here are some of the well-known risks for children growing up with a single mother compared to their peers in married-couple families: lower school achievement, more discipline problems and school suspension, less high school graduation, lower college attendance and graduation, more crime…
What can Feg token be used for?
What can Feg token be used for? The FEG Token team pledges to match up to $750 of donations made by the FEG community every month. FEG TOKEN is the governance token of FEGex, “FEG Exchange” , a cross-chain centralized exchange/decentralized exchange (CEX/DEX) where tokens can be swapped, staked, added to liquidity pools or fWrapped….
What are 5 red flags that can be in an unhealthy relationship?
What are 5 red flags that can be in an unhealthy relationship? Here are 10 key relational red flags to look out for: Lack of communication. Irresponsible, immature, and unpredictable. Lack of trust. Significant family and friends don’t like your partner. Controlling behavior. Feeling insecure in the relationship. A dark or secretive past. Non-resolution of…
Is it bad to have a man bun?
Is it bad to have a man bun? The real cause for concern is repeatedly wearing the style, and wearing it too tight. Occasionally pulling your hair back into a bun, ponytail, or any other up-do — provided it’s not pulling on the hair follicles — is perfectly fine, said Fusco. “If the hair is…